Next Dexter Episode Season 8

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But even with news coming from the top, is there still a chance that everyones favorite Dark Passenger could return for season 9 While speaking at the Access Media, Internet Telecom Conference in Palm Beach, CBS Corp. June premiere of Dexter as the last season. Although this news goes against what Showtime president David Nevin has been saying, it does fall in line with what producers of the show have been saying for over a year. In December 2. 01. Nevin kicked off the final season confusion, saying that the shows writers and producers were already working on a way to bring Dexter to an end in season 8. As we now know, Nevins initial comments were a result of an agreement he made with producers to push the final season of Dexter to season 8 instead of season 7, which was the original plan. One month later, Nevin began trumpeting the possibility of a Dexter season 9. It wasnt until June 2. Dexter producers finally weighed in on whats really happening. Five months after Nevins comments, longtime Dexter executive producer Sara Colleton revealed the fact that, after agreeing with Showtime to delay the final season by a year, the show would absolutely end in season 8 From the very beginning, when I first started developing the pilot, I always knew it would be a seven year arc for this series. I feel easily that we can be an eight year show, but I never want it to get old and stale. Watch Isolation Dailymotion here. I want us to go out on a high and everybody on the show is determined to keep the level of it up to the very end. Dexter-S8E10-Vogel-and-Saxon.png' alt='Next Dexter Episode Season 8' title='Next Dexter Episode Season 8' />Watch previews, find out ways to watch, go behind the scenes, and more of Season 6 Episode 12 of the SHOWTIME Original Series Homeland. CouchTuner. fr do not host any videos or uploads any media files which is found here. This site only contains links that lead you to other sites eg. Its always wise to know when its time to leave the stage before youre asked to leave the stage. After Colleton made her comments, what followed was a series of back and forth, contradictory statements from Nevin and Colleton about the future of Dexter, essentially creating a confusing non battle between the people who make the show and Showtime, the company that pays for the show. Considering Dexter was one of Showtimes first to receive such high acclaim, it soon became obvious that the cable network didnt want to let go of their golden goose, even if producers and fans knew that it was time to exit. So what about the future of Dexter Is season 9 still a possibility Even though word came down from the head of CBS Corp., which owns Showtime, theres still a slim chance that televisions trend of uncommon sweetheart deals Charlie Sheen FX Robert Kirkman FIC could lead to Dexter returning for one more season. Although Dexter season 9 is highly unlikely, whatever events are likely to happen in the upcoming now final season will certainly draw fans old and new to the series, raising ratings. So with the possibility of being able to show the aftermath of whatever might happen in season 8, you cant completely count out Showtime from continuing a good thing. After all, Nevin spoke about Dexter season 9 just two months ago. But if theres anything that seven seasons of Dexter has taught us, its that you can never guess what the Dark Passenger will do or be forced to do next. When hes not helping the Homicide division solving murders, he spends his time hunting and killing bad guys that slip through the justice system. He spends his sun drenched days solving crimes and moonlit nights committing them. But not to worry, our cool blooded Dexter doesnt kill just anyone. He reserves his homicidal hobbies to taking only the lives of other killers. The wait for Dexter season 8 just got much shorter this week, when Showtime Entertainment President David Nevin revealed that the premiere will be moved up from its.