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Guantanamo Bay detention camp Wikipedia. Detainees upon arrival at Camp X Ray, January 2. The Guantanamo Bay detention camp is a United Statesmilitary prison located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base,1 also referred to as Guantnamo or GTMO, which fronts on Guantnamo Bay in Cuba. Since the inmates have been detained indefinitely without trial and several inmates were severely tortured, the operations of this camp are considered to be a major breach of human rights by Amnesty International. The camp was established by the President George W. Bushs administration in 2. War on Terror. His successor, President Barack Obama, promised that he would close it, but met strong bipartisan opposition, with Congress passing laws to prohibit detainees from Guantanamo being imprisoned in the United States. During Obamas administration, the number of inmates was reduced from about 2. Creation and historyeditAt the time of its establishment in January 2. Secretary of Defense. Donald Rumsfeld said the prison camp was established to detain extraordinarily dangerous people, to interrogate detainees in an optimal setting, and to prosecute detainees for war crimes. In practice, the site has long been used for indefinite detention without trial. The Department of Defense at first kept secret the identity of the individuals held in Guantanamo, but, after losing attempts to defy a Freedom of Information Act request from the Associated Press, the USA officially acknowledged holding 7. The facility is operated by the Joint Task Force Guantanamo JTF GTMO of the United States government in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. Detention areas consisted of Camp Delta including Camp Echo, Camp Iguana, and Camp X Ray, which is now closed. After Bush political appointees at the U. S. Office of Legal Counsel, Department of Justice advised the Bush administration that the Guantanamo Bay detention camp could be considered outside U. S. legal jurisdiction, military guards took the first twenty detainees to Guantanamo on 1. January 2. 00. 2. The Bush administration asserted that detainees were not entitled to any of the protections of the Geneva Conventions. Ensuing U. S. Supreme Court decisions since 2. Watch Torture Chamber Tube Free' title='Watch Torture Chamber Tube Free' />Hamdan v. Rumsfeld on 2. June 2. Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions. Watch Torture Chamber Tube Free' title='Watch Torture Chamber Tube Free' />Following this, on 7 July 2. Department of Defense issued an internal memo stating that detainees would, in the future, be entitled to protection under Common Article 3. Current and former detainees have reported abuse and torture, which the Bush administration denied. In a 2. 00. 5 Amnesty International report, the facility was called the Gulag of our times. In 2. 00. 6, the United Nations demanded unsuccessfully for the Guantanamo Bay detention camp to be closed. Watch Torture Chamber Tube Free' title='Watch Torture Chamber Tube Free' />In January 2. Susan J. Crawford, appointed by Bush to review Do. Torture tube. BSDM videos, torture clips, movies and videochannels. Hard extreme and soft fetish torment BDSM videos. Maledom and femsom, sadism and masochism. The Guantanamo Bay detention camp is a United States military prison located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, also referred to as Guantnamo or GTMO t m. D practices used at Guantanamo Bay and oversee the military trials, became the first Bush administration official to concede that torture occurred at Guantanamo Bay on one detainee. On 2. 2 January 2. President Obama issued a request to suspend proceedings at Guantanamo military commission for 1. On 2. 9 January 2. Guantanamo rejected the White House request in the case of Abd al Rahim al Nashiri, creating an unexpected challenge for the administration as it reviewed how the United States brings Guantanamo detainees to trial. On 2. 0 May 2. 00. United States Senate passed an amendment to the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2. H. R. 2. 34. 6 by a 9. Guantanamo Bay detention camp. President Obama issued a Presidential memorandum dated 1. December 2. 00. 9, ordering Thomson Correctional Center, Thomson, Illinois to be prepared to accept transferred Guantanamo prisoners. The Final Report of the Guantanamo Review Task Force, dated 2. January 2. 01. 0, published the results for the 2. Yemen were designated for conditional detention due to the poor security environment in Yemen 1. On 6 January 2. 01. President Obama signed the 2. Defense Authorization Bill, which, in part, placed restrictions on the transfer of Guantanamo prisoners to the mainland or to foreign countries, thus impeding the closure of the facility. In February 2. 01. U. S. Secretary of Defense. Robert Gates said that Guantanamo Bay was unlikely to be closed, due to opposition in the Congress. Congress particularly opposed moving prisoners to facilities in the United States for detention or trial. In April 2. 01. 1, Wikileaks began publishing 7. Guantanamo Bay detention camp. On 4 November 2. 01. President Barack Obama stated that he was preparing to unveil a plan to close the facility and move some of the terrorism suspects held there to U. S. soil. The plan would propose one or more prisons from a working list that includes facilities in Kansas, Colorado and South Carolina. Two others that were on the list, in California and Washington state, do not appear to have made the preliminary cut, according to a senior administration official familiar with the proposal. By 1. 9 January 2. Facilitiesedit. A Camp Delta recreation and exercise area in Guantnamo Bay, Cuba. The detention block is shown with sunshades drawn on 3 December 2. Camp Delta is a 6. April 2. 00. 2. It includes detention camps 1 through to 6, as well as Camp Echo, where pre commissions are held. Camp X Ray was a temporary detention facility, which was closed in April 2. Its prisoners were transferred to Camp Delta. In 2. 00. 8, the Associated Press reported Camp 7, a separate facility on the naval base that is considered the highest security jail on the base, and its location is classified. It is used to house high security detainees formerly held by the CIA. In January 2. 01. Scott Horton published an article in Harpers Magazine describing Camp No, a black site about a mile outside the main camp perimeter, which included an interrogation center. His description was based on accounts by four guards who had served at Guantanamo. They said prisoners were taken one at a time to the camp, where they were believed to be interrogated. He believes that the three detainees that Do. D announced as having committed suicide were questioned under torture the night of their deaths. From 2. 00. 3 to 2. CIA operated a small site, known informally as Penny Lane, to house prisoners whom the agency attempted to recruit as spies against Al Qaeda. The housing at Penny Lane was less sparse by the standards of Guantanamo Bay, with private kitchens, showers, televisions, and beds with mattresses. The camp was divided into eight units. Its existence was revealed to the Associated Press in 2. DetaineeseditSince January 2. Guantanamo. 2. 93. Nearly 2. 00 were released by mid 2. CSRTs Combatant Status Review Tribunal to review whether individuals were rightfully held as enemy combatants. Of all detainees at Guantanamo, Afghans were the largest group 2. Saudi Arabians 1. Yemenis 1. 5 percent, Pakistanis 9 percent, and Algerians 3 percent. Overall, 5. 0 nationalities were present at Guantanamo. Although the Bush administration said most of the men had been captured fighting in Afghanistan, a 2. Center for Policy and Research at Seton Hall University Law School reviewed Do. D data for the remaining 5. Americans on the battlefield but by Pakistanis and Afghans, often in exchange for bounty payments. The U. S. widely distributed leaflets in the region and offered 5,0. One example is Adel Noori, a Chinese Uighur and dissident who had been sold to the US by Pakistani bounty hunters. Top Department of Defense Do. D officials often referred to these prisoners as the worst of the worst, but a 2. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said We need to stop populating Guantanamo Bay GTMO with low level enemy combatants. GTMO needs to serve as an redacted not a prison for Afghanistan. The Center for Policy and Researchs 2. Torture Devices and Techniques By Murometz. Articles. Resource. Gaming In General. Votes. 29xp. Hits 1. Comments Ideas 4. Rating 4. Condition Normal. ID 2. 39. 7Submitted. March 6, 2. 00. 6, 1. Updated May 1. 2, 2. Vote Hall of Honour. Cheka Man. You must be a member to use Ho. H votes. Author Status. Torture Devices and Techniques By Torturepure and simple. One of the great things about fantasy gaming, or any other genre of gaming for that matter, is that we can take a vile concept from real life, such as the ancient art of torture, something that normally reminds us of the atrocities of which humans are capable, and having fun with the variety of ways and means I propose a one stop shop for everything and anything torture related. Every GM in the history of gaming, has decribed at one time or another, the ubiquitous torture chamber deep in the bowels of some dungeon, castle, or cult headquarters. In published materials, these dank rooms are usually filled with the standard cliched items. A Rack, an Iron Maiden, and some heated tongs and pincers. But there are so many ways to make em talk or kill them slowly, that I thought this would make a great thread Im proposing entries of both a historical nature, and ones from imagination as well. Watch Superman II Online (2017). Anything goes Inspiration struck after reading a Moon. Hunter entry, titled The Red Hands Guide. AM Link 2. 39. AM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. Delete Edit. 20. 06 0. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. Delete Edit. 20. 11 0. AM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. AM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. AM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. Delete Edit. PM Link 2. 39. Delete Edit. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. Delete Edit. 20. 06 0. AM Link 2. 39. AM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. Delete Edit. 20. 06 1. PM Link 2. 39. AM Link 2. AM Link 2. 39. AM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. Delete Edit. AM Link 2. 39. AM Link 2. AM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. Delete Edit. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. AM Link 2. 39. Delete Edit. PM Link 2. 39. Delete Edit. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. AM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. AM Link 2. 39. Delete Edit 2. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. Delete Edit 2. 01. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. Delete Edit. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. AM Link 2. 39. Delete Edit 2. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. AM Link 2. 39. AM Link 2. AM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. PM Link 2. 39. AM Link 2. AM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. AM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. AM Link 2. 39. PM Link 2. Please register. to add an idea. It only takes a moment. Suggested Submissions. Join Now Gain the ability to Vote and add your ideas to submissions. Upvote and give XP to useful comments. Work on submissions in private or flag them for assistance. Earn XP and gain levels that give you more site abilities. Join a Guild in the forums or complete a Quest and level up your experience. By manfred. The religion believes in reincarnation, but that you will be reborn in the past. People of today are those re born of tomorrow, with some discarded as trash. 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