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The Arrangement premiere recap: Season 1, Episode 1. There’s a good chance my mom isn’t gonna like The Arrangement. Not because she’s a Scientologist (she’s not) or because she doesn’t like a fun, splashy soap (who doesn’t?!), but because of the show’s similarities to Beauty and the Beast. As Mom always points out, Beauty and the Beast has a pretty anti- feminist message. Showtime Full Petty Blue Online Free. Not only does Belle have Stockholm Syndrome, but she spends all her energy trying to change her man. And if you’ve ever dated an alcoholic or a buffalo- lion- Beast (or if you’ve ever seen a Matthew Mc. Conaughey rom- com from the early aughts), you know you can’t change a man, girl!

It doesn’t matter how many talking teacups he has! But there’s still some problematic wish fulfillment in trying, and therein lies the juicy, guilty pleasure of The Arrangement (E!’s sexy new scripted offering – part Hollywood fairy tale, part Hollywood cautionary tale – which, for the record, is definitely NOT about Scientology and the arranged marriage of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes). So let’s start with The Beast. When we meet Tom Cruise Kyle West (Josh Henderson), he’s at the unveiling of his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. We know right away that Kyle is an A- list movie star because he wears flashy blazers over tight- fitting t- shirts. Kyle is introduced by David Miscavige Terence Anderson (Michael Vartan), head of Scientology The Institute of the Higher Mind, flanked by his wife Shelly Miscavige Deann (Lexa Doig). Deann’s character doesn’t exactly leap off the screen, but her presence does raise a few important questions: Is Deann comfortable with the fact that her name is clearly missing a letter?

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Also, where is Shelly Miscavige? And hey, while we’re at it, where is Leah Remini?

If she hasn’t been offered a cameo on The Arrangement at some point this season, what are any of us even doing with our lives? Also: Leah Remini does not have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Neither does Carrie Fisher. And we all just have to sit with that.)In an E! News report (a fun cross- branding opportunity that conveniently knocks out some exposition), we learn that Kyle and Nicole Kidman Lisbeth Graves are expected to cross paths at the upcoming Venice Film Festival for the first time since she called off their wedding last summer. We also learn that Kyle’s new movie is called AWOL, in which (according to the poster) he plays a hot priest who’s fighting a war and has great highlights. And finally we meet our Beauty, our Belle, our Katie Holmes, Megan Morrison.

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Contains cast and crew details, plot summary, photographs, and links to external review sites. · Movie star Kyle West (Josh Henderson) offers struggling actress Megan Morrison (Christine Evangelista) a $10 million marriage contract.

She’s late for her audition – for a Kyle West movie – but first she’s gotta drop off these desserts at her waitress job! She charms her customers, rushes to her audition, and chats with fellow actresses in the waiting room. This would be the “Bonjour!

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Bonjour! Bonjour!” sequence. There must be more than this provincial life, right?)Back at his estate, Kyle goes for an intense run in his Lululemons.

Here is where we meet one of the pilot’s most pivotal characters: the goat. That’s right: Kyle’s jog is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a strange goat. He stops and looks at it: What’s this goat doing here? Then a groundskeeper type appears with more goats, explaining that they needed them because Kyle wanted his property to be more eco- friendly, or something. Kyle watches pensively as they all baa and stumble away. Hmmm. Goats…At her audition for the Kyle West movie, Megan is asked “The Three Imperatives,” clearly some kind of screening method for the Institute.

Meanwhile, Kyle, Terence and Deann watch the audition remotely. This way, they can evaluate her talent, but more importantly her suitability for Kyle (and the Institute). Here are The Three Imperatives, with Megan’s answers versus my own: 1. If you could have anyone else’s life, whose would it be? Watch Private Perez Online Facebook. Her answer: Amelia Earhart.

Ugh.) My answer: Courteney Cox. So I could be best friends with Jen Aniston!)2. What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done? Her answer: hitchhiking from Hoboken to Virginia Beach. Sounds dangerous!) My answer: visiting my friend here in L. A. who literally lives on L.

Ron Hubbard Way. Terrifying! What’s your greatest fear? Her answer: maximum- security prison. My answer: being buried alive! That, or getting sued for writing these recaps.)Terence and Deann aren’t impressed with Megan’s answers. Kyle disagrees; he likes this girl. Maybe he wants to be Amelia Earhart, too?)NEXT: The saddest pool party.