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RP Character Meme: sabrecat. Dmitri: From zombie_dog and li_zhen. Looked like too much fun to pass up!

Step 1: List 1. 0 of your characters. Step 2: Answer these questions!

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Watch Apartment 4E Online FreeformWatch Apartment 4E Online Freeform
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These are all characters played in some sort of realtime RP, be it tabletop, VT, LARP, or freeform, not characters from stories or novels. I randomized the list before answering the questions. Caitlin "Seesy" Callahan a. Moira - Childer Sluagh dancer (Changeling: The Dreaming)2. Elias Gray - Catholic werewolf (Blazing Rose)3. Riya Deliani - enslaved race car driver (Burning Empires)4. Dr. Ethan Barrister - evil, psychic history professor (Heroes Unlimited/Surlyverse)5.

Kathrri - Togorian slicer (Star Wars D6)6. Christine Thakarr - studious Quarter- Dragon rune mage (BESM/The Age of Corporations)7. Julius "Crusher" Bonchev - Longtooth Shifter Warlord, recent convert to Pelor (D& D 4e)*8. Kali- ra - virtuous Feline swordswoman (Furcadia)9.

Adulath Caracai II - suave womanizing Scout (Amtgard)1. Lyn Hawthorn - Human Rogue and freedom fighter (D& D 4e)Four invites Three and Eight to dinner at their house. What happens? Dr. Barrister sets a classy table in his little apartment- -irritated though he is to have to clear his research materials away, he has entertained young ladies before.

Kali arrives first, and makes polite conversation with the professor about his research and, to her pleasant surprise, a bit about swordplay as well (all the while being surreptitiously brain- scanned).. Riya arrives on the scene in a screech of burning rubber. The atmosphere goes immediately to hell as Riya eats three times her share of the food, takes over the conversation with tales of the brutality of the racetrack and innuendo- laden stories of her relationship with her "boy at the top," and generally carries on. Kali- ra first grows silent, then sullen with hackles obviously raised, until she has to excuse herself before she draws steel or at least slaps the red- headed twit upside the head. Barrister is amused.

Mission accomplished. Nine tries to get Five to go to a strip club. How?"Come now, it will be a delight.

I assure you, you've never seen girls like these.""Rrrrr.. I rreally don't have any interrest in naked humans. Especially naked female humans.""You might be surprised.. This is an evening of pleasure for me, I won't be going armed..

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>Supposed to fit into a 700sq.ft. apartment that has virtually. It's worth noting 4e actually got. It's your game and you can run the roleplay freeform if. SRM04-02 Extraction (Artifact Rush, Part 1). Consider each one a freeform scene that can be run whenever the. The tall apartment buildings are missing.

Oh, it's that kind of club, huh. Last time I went to a place like that, I got rrecruited for the underrground boxing cirrcuit.""Bet that actually turned out pretty well for you, eh?"".. I tended to win, yeah.""See, nothing to worry about! Let's go, I don't want to miss a single inch of revelation."".. You need to stay at a friend's house for the night. Who do you choose, One or Six? Wow. Tough choice.

I would love to revisit childhood by playing a few let's- pretend games with Seesy, and Christine would.. I'd go to Christine's, despite the risk of a limerent episode, just because Seesy's parents would probably frown on her having such an older guest. Three falls in love with Six, Eight is jealous. What happens? First of all, let me say: !!!!! Christine wouldn't know what to make of Riya's no doubt uninhibited advances. Riya invites her out to watch a rival team's race; she innocently accepts, thinking it would be a well- needed break from her studies.

While there, Riya has several drinks and gets her hands all over Christine, sultry invitations flowing fast and fierce. In some distress, Christine tries to sneak out of the racetrack on a bathroom- break excuse, but Riya follows her. Outside, they encounter Kali- ra, sword drawn and eyes narrow, who challenges Riya to a duel of honor. Bloody catfighting ensues, during which Christine is finally clear- headed enough to draw a few runes and effect her escape. Four jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue, Ten, Two or Seven? First off, if nobody were to rescue me from Barrister, I would be dead.

Probably before I ever realized I was in danger. Mental stun + a bullet to the face, telekinetic hoist a few stories up and let gravity do the rest, a sabre to the kidneys.. Doctor's arsenal is myriad. Lyn, Elias, and Julius would all be good choices and willing (funny that I get my pick of two werewolves), but I think Elias would be it.

As a paranormal investigator, he's most likely to be on Barrister's case. Naive, straightforward Julius would never be able to track Barrister down, Lyn is a country girl without enough Streetwise to know Barrister's dark- alley wanderings, and neither he nor Lyn have enough Will defense to go toe- to- toe with him anyway. One decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later, what is happening?(Note that Seesy cannot speak above a whisper.)"Okay! That's all hot and boiling and stuff, so now you put in the..

Leaky?. oh, leeks. Yeah, you throw those in.

Now we.. eep! That's not supposed to be doing that, yeah, we should get rid of the burning thing. Hmm? What? What do you mean, you're supposed to cut the leek up first?"Phbbbbllt.

You people don't know anything. I'll show you. Time to make my favorite: macaroni and cheese from the box! Yum!"Three has to marry either Eight, Four or Nine. Whom do they choose? Riya has to marry either Kali- ra, Dr.

Barrister, or Adulath. Well, no question; both Kali and Ethan would be too stodgy for Ms. Deliani. So Adulath it is. It would be a tempestuous marriage, to be sure, full of fights and probably several affairs on both sides. But no question, there'd be some smokin' passion!

Bedtime is good times. Seven kidnaps Two and demands something from Five for Two's release. What is it? Julius kidnaps Elias and demands something from Kathrri..? For plausibility, let's say this is backstory! Julius, bandit captain of the Dark Legion, for whom kidnapping wouldn't be out of the question.

And Kathrri's main resource is information, due to her slicing abilities.. Julius wants the ritual for exorcism of a lycanthropic spirit, which Elias has locked away on a computer somewhere and would never give up. Everyone gangs up on Three, does Three have a chance in hell? Watch Envy Full Movie. Can't blame them, given her escapades of the previous questions. That said, I think not. If Riya had her car, she'd be unstoppable..

Lyn blows away the tires with a Cloud of Daggers, or Kathrri hacks the computer, or Ethan gets a sight- line into the cab and blasts her mind. Once dragged from her vehicle, Riya's modest self- defense skills and sidearm wouldn't be enough to keep her going for long. Everyone is invited to Two and Ten's wedding, except for Eight. How do they react?

Elias and Lyn get hitched! I guess Elias got over his thing for Alexandra Archer, and didn't join the priesthood after all. But.. it'd surely be a Catholic wedding, and then not to invite Kali- ra? She'd be so, so deeply hurt. She wouldn't do anything about it, but she would never speak with either of them again. Why is Six afraid of Seven? Christine and Julius had a conversation.

She was kinda bemused by his religious natterings, but he was a nice enough fellow. Then a fight broke out nearby, as sometimes happens in New Washington, and Julius got hurt. He then proceeded to hulk out into some kind of wolf- man, his benevolent demeanor vanished in favor of bloodthirst and intimidation. She doesn't know what the hell he is, and would rather not find out. One arrives late for Two and Ten's wedding.

What happens and why were they late?"Seesy! You were supposed to be here half an hour ago! You're the flower girl, how could you do that?""Like you said, I'm the flower girl! I just couldn't find the right flowers. Ones that everyone could see, anyway..""Seesy, you do know we already had some flowers ready, to give you to carry?"".. Oh."Five and Nine get roaring drunk and end up in your house. What happens? o. o.

Kathrri has been away from her homeworld, and her mate there, for a very long time. Adulath will do anything on two legs. They're both drunk out of their minds.. Watch Ooops! Noah Is Gone... Online Forbes.

What's on TV 1. 1. Jerry Willis. Published on Jan 9, 2. Television listings for the week of Jan.