Tru Loved Full Movie Part 1

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CNN Pundit Who Quit on Saturday Reappears as Donald Trump's Low- Rent Facebook Propagandist. CNN’s resident Donald Trump supporter Kayleigh Mc. Enany, whose pundit gig insisting the president is really playing 4. D chess none of us can understand came to an abrupt end on Saturday, now has a new job reading pro- Trump propaganda online. Mc. Enany has secured a gig regurgitating the administration’s preferred “real news” on Trump’s official Facebook page, which appears to be part of the president’s ongoing efforts to cut the media middleman out of his messaging to supporters. The faux news show was originally launched and hosted by Trump’s daughter- in- law Lara Trump in July and continues off of other similar campaign- era efforts to mimic actual news shows.

Tru Loved Full Movie Part 1

But the first broadcast featuring Mc. Enany was uploaded on Sunday, which would seem to indicate a new phase featuring a dedicated host with some TV experience. It’s unclear whether Trump’s 2. Republican National Committee funded the program, but its production values rank somewhere between a stoned teenager using the green- screen exhibit at the Newseum and Jeff Bezos’ Instagram debut. Seriously, it’s terrible, consisting mostly of dull recitations of misleading statistics the president already tweeted about and videos of Trump holding dumb signs or slouching behind podiums.“More great economic news on Friday,” Mc. Enany, who legitimately comes across like someone taken hostage by Stephen Miller, preaches to the choir.

Tru Loved Full Movie Part 1

As part of the automaker’s bankruptcy, the “Old GM” General Unsecured Creditors Trust was created to handle claims filed against GM as part of its restructuring. T1gerCat is a fanfiction author that has written 138 stories for Twilight, Supernatural, Doctor Who, NCIS, Harry Potter, Lie to Me, StarTrek: The Next Generation. Anna Faris Spotted on Lunch Date with Rumored Boyfriend Michael Barrett. The 40-year-old actress split from Chris Pratt in August. Bestselling author Sherman Alexie tells the story of Junior, a budding cartoonist growing up on the Spokane Indian Reservation. Determined to take his future into his.

The July jobs report added a better than expected 2. Overall, since the president took office, President Trump has created more than one million jobs. The unemployment rate is at a 1. DOW Jones continues to break records.”(Barack Obama inherited a recession and gave Trump, who has barely passed any economic legislation, a booming economy, but whatever.)“President Trump has clearly steered the economy back in the right direction,” Mc. Enany added. Later, touting the RAISE Act, a proposal with the main intention of limiting nonwhite immigration, Mc. Enany added, “Americans deserve a raise, and President Trump is finally putting the American worker first.”Other components of the broadcast included Trump holding a sign saying “Trump Digs Coal,” Trump awarding the Medal of Honor to a Vietnam War veteran, and Trump standing in front of cheering crowds at rallies.

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Yawn. Anthony Scaramucci, the White House’s replacement for axed communications director Sean Spicer, lasted just 1. POTUS is the greatest TV star in history. Comms should produce video content that constructively operates as ‘The President Donald J. Trump’ show.”Scaramucci’s plan noted, “Rather than traditional press conferences, POTUS should take questions from real citizens via Facebook live and/or other social media platforms.”There’s definitely something disconcerting about seeing the White House decide it can just try to cut the media out of the loop entirely. Sure, social media is powerful, and this is just another disconcerting signal Trump prefers ego- stroking propaganda to reality.

But this effort reeks of the laziest content from news publishers making frantic pivots to video with a fresh twist of Trump Steaks- quality campaign advertising. This isn’t a next- gen White House comms strategy, it’s weariness and apathy posing as one, designed to do nothing but prod the president’s diminishing number of supporters into throwing a few more bucks his way. For better or for worse, the social media filter bubble is real, and it looks like the White House has decided to retreat further into its own shrinking bubble. As for Mc. Enany, I don’t think she’s thought out this plan long term, do you?[Philly.