Transformers Armada Episode 7

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Primus Transformers Wikipedia. Primus is a living planet and deity entity in the fictional Transformers universe who fought against the Chaos Bringer Unicron. GBA/35690-transformers-armada-full.png' alt='Transformers Armada Episode 7 Part 2' title='Transformers Armada Episode 7 Part 2' />The Lord of the Light, Primus is the being who created the Primes to help it defeat Unicron, and the Transformers homeworld Cybertron. Primus was voted as one of the. To explore the fledgling universe, he created the astral being known as Unicron, and then subdivided him, creating his twin, Primus. Both brothers were multiversal singularities, unique in all realities, but where as Unicron could only exist in one universe at a time, moving between them at will, Primus existed simultaneously in all realities at once. It is suggested, in fact, that the two brothers embody the basic concepts of realitygood and evil, order and chaosand that their continued existence is necessary for the stability of the multiverse. As Unicron and Primus ventured through the cosmos, it became apparent to Primus that Unicron was a corrupt being, and then confronted the threat his sibling posed. In combat, Primus was no match for Unicron. In cunning, however, he proved himself to be his brothers superior when he shifted their battle to the astral plane, and then back to the physical world once more, sacrificing most of his strength to manifest their essences within metallic planetoids, leaving them both trapped. It was with this act of sacrifice that Primus hoped to contain the evil force forever. Unfortunately, over time, Unicron learned to physically shape his prison into a giant metallic planet, and Primus followed suit, becoming the mechanical world of Cybertron. When Unicron then learned to transform his planetary form even further, into a gigantic robot form, Primus could also, but adapted the idea, and created The Thirteen, a group of robotic beings that possessed the ability to change shape, like Unicron. The war between Unicron and Primus came to its seeming end during a climactic battle in which one of the Thirteen, Megatronus Prime, who would forever afterwards be known as The Fallen, betrayed Primus and became an acolyte of Unicron. The battle ended when the Fallen and Unicron were sucked into a black hole and disappeared from reality. With Unicron gone for now, Primus entered an eons long slumber, preventing Unicron from detecting him through the mental link the brothers shared. The PrimusUnicron backstory has evolved and been rewritten a number of times since it originated in the Marvel Comics series. The version recounted above is the current iteration, which has slowly solidified across a wide swath of media beginning around the time of Transformers Armada. Before the PrimusUnicron mythos reached its present form it went through several distinct versions in the Marvel Generation 1 comics and elsewhere. Retellings. Per Unicrons telling of events, he was a primal force of evil at the dawn of the universe, who led a legion of Dark Gods against his mortal foe, Primus, Lord of the Light Gods. Events proceeded to play out basically as described above, though the role of the Light and Dark Gods would diminish with each subsequent retelling of the story, until the current version, in which Primus and Unicron are alone, and have a unique origin. The second time the story was told was in the United States book by the Keeper, an ancient mechanoid who guarded Primuss head at the center of Cybertron. This telling is effectively the same as the previous UK story, but mentions that their battle was towards the end of the era of gods, that Primus and Unicron were the last of their respective pantheons, and Primus had to defeat Unicron before he could take his place with the other gods in the. CD1Lk.jpg' alt='Watch Transformers Armada Episode 7' title='Watch Transformers Armada Episode 7' />It was with this telling that we learned that Unicron predated the current universe, and had destroyed the previous universe which existed before the current one. He had slept peacefully, alone in the void of un creation that remained, until fragments of the old universe that he had overlooked reacted, causing the Big Bang and birthing the current universe. It was the backstory printed on Unicrons card which introduced the concept of the two being brothers created to explore the new universe by an extra dimensional entity, here named the. Transformers Armada Episode 7 DailymotionHere, the entity Fleer had called the. Likewise, Primus is also a. The biography printed on Unicrons card presented him to be one of two heralds created by the Allspark to explore the newly birthed universe. Inspired by his Marvel Comics origin, the other herald was Primus, and the brothers set about this task, until they came upon a region of space teeming with pure Energon. Transformers Armada Episode 7 HdUnicron wanted this power for himself, and cut Primus down before he could report it to the Allspark, casting his brothers body into the orbit of a nearby star. And so Unicron went on to become the engine of destruction that menaced the universe in recent years. Not long after this, the publication of Transformers The Ultimate Guide by Dorling Kindersley cemented this notion. Writer Simon Furman incorporated the various aspects of the Dreamwave comics story, some elements of the Fleer storyline and his original Marvel Comics origin to create what is now essentially the. But Unicron was an imperfect being and turned to evil, adapting his form to transform into a giant robot. To battle him, The One gave Primus this power also, but Primus opted to remain in planet mode, and passed the transforming abilities on to thirteen robots that he created from himself the first Transformers. One of the thirteen turned on Primus and sided with Unicron, however, and the war culminated in a battle that saw Unicron and this traitor, the. Primus is a living planet and deityentity in the fictional Transformers universe who fought against the ChaosBringer Unicron. The Lord of the Light, Primus is the. This interpretation of the character is evidenced by the parallel universe spanning Transformers Universe toyline and convention exclusive comic books in which the singular Unicron captured Transformers from various alternate realities and pitted them against each other, feeding off the energies released and the Transformers Cybertron comic strip in the Transformers Collectors Club fan magazine, which depicts Unicrons actions in the various realities in a chronological order and claims that Cybertron is the stable heart of the Multiverse. Physical Dimensions. In Transformers The Movie, Unicrons height appears to be anywhere from several kilometers as when handling Galvatron to several hundred kilometers as when attacking and destroying Lithone and Cybertrons moons, and attacking Cybertron. A planet mode diameter of 1. In fact, one scene in the movie shows Jazz driving out of one of Unicrons eyes, just small enough to fit through them, though in another scene the Quintesson ship Hot Rod arrived is tiny compared with the eye. Unicron is also small enough to stand on Cybertrons surface. However later in the episode when Trypticon moves Unicrons head, the head is larger than Trypticons entire body. In the first issue of Marvel Comics. Generation One. Transformers comic, Cybertron is said to be around the size of Saturn which has a diameter of roughly 1. As Unicrons planet mode is seen to be as large as Cybertron if not larger in the comics, this would suggest a diameter of 1. The Dreamwave equivalent of Unicron may be the same size, as the Cybertron of the Dreamwave universe was also said to be the size of Saturn. In the Transformers Cybertron comics, the tank version of Unicron is only the same size as an average Transformer, and is shorter than the Autobots Sentinel Maximus and Omega Prime, whom he fought. The Transformers Prime iteration of Unicron depicts him as the center of Earth, making him a planet with sustainable life, though it has not been seen if Unicron wishes to consume other planets like his other incarnations. Transformers Armada, known as Ch Arcee is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers franchise. They are female Autobots, usually pink or blue in color. Being the most famous of the. Animated series. Transformers television series, the writers of Beast Wars included Primus to the television mythos with mention of Primus by the Transformers in that series, and the creation of the Covenant of Primus in the series finale. Cyclonus Armada Transformers Wiki. Cyclonus is a Decepticon from the Unicron Trilogycontinuity family. Cautious. These are not words to describe Cyclonus. He is one wild and craaaaaaazy guy. Seriously, hes the guy in the group that even the other Cons think is a little unbalanced. His usual battle tactic is to rush straight in with every piece of artillery he has blazing, all while laughing maniacally. Other times, he yodels while rushing straight in with every piece of artillery he has blazing. Hes not especially bright, but Megatron knows the value of a soldier largely without fear. The two get along amazingly well, both having an undying love for the sheer excitement of blowing stuff up real good. The duo powerlinked and threatened Hot Shot with a super cannon when he arrived to foil their plans. Hot Shots partner Jolt arrived, however, giving him super speed and driving claws to outmaneuver the Decepticons. Cyclonus and Crumplezone were caught in an explosion when Hot Shot dumped the Decepticon device in a ravine. Armada Volume 1. Somehow, Megatron was able to ambush Optimus Prime, and forced him to battle Snow Cat, Demolishor, Mirage, and Shockblast without back up. Luckily for Prime, Wing Saber arrived with a new Powerlinx mode for the two of them, enabling Prime to annihilate Snow Cat and the other Decepticons with heavy firepower. Energon Volume 4. Cartoon continuity. Armada cartoon. Voice actor Don Brown English, Isshin Chiba Japanese, Mauro Ramos Brazil Portuguese, Tobias Lelle German, Jos. He had a tendency to fire at targets frantically, risking damage to his own teammates. Cyclonus was caught snoozing at the Decepticons Moon base when Megatron, Demolishor, and Starscream returned from their first attempt at capturing a Mini Con on Earth. At his comrades arrival, he sprung up to ask how their mission went, only to learn that it had ended in failure. Megatron permitted it, only to return after a short while with a Mini Con already in hand. Megatron demanded to know how Cyclonus could be so incompetent as to not detect a Mini Con he had found himself right outside their base. Cyclonus tried to weasel his way out of his failure, but Megatron assured him that he would be spared he still served some use, after all. The Decepticon leader got Leader 1 to shoot around Cyclonus some to. Two more Mini Cons were then detected awakening on Earth, and this time around Cyclonus accompanied the others on the recovery mission. Before they headed planet side, Megatron had them all adopt modified vehicle modes to blend in better. They then came upon the three Mini Cons Grindor, High Wire and Sureshock, accompanied by three Earth children. Taking them for easy pickings, the Decepticons surrounded their targets, only to be prevented from acquiring them by Optimus Prime and his Autobot warriors. Metamorphosis In the battle that followed, Cyclonus managed to land a few good shots on Optimus, bringing the Autobot leader to his knees. The Decepticons still felt it more cautious to retreat, but before they did so, Cyclonus managed to grab a couple of dormant Mini Cons. He kept Crumplezone for himself, and presented the other to Megatron, who in turn gave it to Demolishor. Base. Cyclonus was eager to claim the next Mini Con as his own as well, though Starscream protested that their next acquisition rightfully belonged to him. Megatron ordered the pair to put aside their differences, and the Decepticons headed down to Big Canyon, where the newest Mini Con signal emanated from. Though Cyclonus managed to sideline Hot Shot there, the Decepticons still lost out on adding Leader 1. Sparkplug to their ranks. Comrade The Decepticons next attempt at capturing a Mini Con took them to the Antarctic. Megatron had Demolishor and Cyclonus keep tabs on Starscream during their search, though they lost track of him rather quickly. The glow of the Mini Con panel led them back to their fellow Decepticon, then being overpower by Hot Shot. Megatron, Cyclonus, and Demolishor ganged up on the lone Autobot, with Cyclonus being granted permission to deliver the finishing blow. The execution was spoiled by Red Alerts arrival. The Decepticons continued to fight so long as they outnumbered the Autobots, but as soon as Optimus showed up, they warped back to base. Soldier. After Cyclonus, Starscream, and Demolishor failed a holographic training exercise, Megatron criticized Starscream for his poor show of leadership. Cyclonus then taunted the second in command, but before their exchange could escalate into a squabble, the Decepticons computer signaled that another Mini Con had been detected. While the Autobots ran off to deal with the blaze, the Decepticons focused on acquiring the Mini Con. Though the Autobots caught up to them, Starscream managed to have Swindle imprint on him, and the Decepticons made another tactical retreat. Jungle During some downtime, the Decepticons continued to repair their base of operations. As they were working, Cyclonus got a good laugh at Demolishor being a clumsy oaf and getting on Megatrons nerves. Carnival. While scouring the Sahara Desert for a Mini Con, Cyclonus was taken for an enemy unit by Demolishor and fired upon. After yelling at his fellow Decepticon some, Cyclonus informed him he was having a lot of difficulty finding anything in the sandy expanse, and took off again. He circled back around to find the Autobots, and helped keep them at a standstill until Demolishor managed to swipe the Mini Con and bring it back to base. Palace Later, Cyclonus came upon the children riding their Mini Cons in the open. Obvious Child Full Movie Part 1. He failed to capture his initial targets, so instead settled on abducting Fred and Billy. Cyclonus then had the other three children convey his ransom message to Optimus Fred and Billy would be released in exchange for all of the Mini Cons in the Autobots possession. When the Autobots turned up, Cyclonus acted as his factions negotiator in the exchange. As usual, the negotiations quickly devolved into a firefight between the two factions. Cyclonus was punched out of the sky by Hot Shot and fell unconscious. While he was out of it, the Autobots gained the upper hand, and Cyclonus woke up just in time to skedaddle from the scene. Confrontation. The Decepticons searched a citys subway system for the next Mini Con. This frustrated Cyclonus the confined spaces of the underground disallowed him from flying and moving comfortably. By the time the Decepticons made their way to the Mini Cons location, the Autobots children allies had already gotten a hold of its panel. Cyclonuss attempt to smash the brats under foot was halted by Smokescreen, though the new Autobot wasnt able to deal with all of Megatrons goons by himself. Cyclonus activated the Mini Con, Drill Bit, who bonded to him, and the Decepticons left the Autobots to dig out Smokescreen from some rubble. Underground. Cyclonus and the other Decepticons tracked a Mini Con signal within a city at the bottom of the ocean. Instead of heading for it immediately, they lay in wait to ambush the Autobots when they arrived in turn. Despite their surprise attack, the Autobots were able to press on. The Decepticons left, Mini Con in hand, as the entire underwater structure began collapsing on itself. Ruin Their next venture took them to a volcanic island. Cyclonus successfully plucked a Mini Con panel from a lava flow there, while the other Transformers busied themselves with firing at one another. But when the Autobot aligned Mini Cons joined the fray and shot Cyclonus out of the sky, Cyclonus lost the panel to Red Alert. Prehistory. Megatron determined the general location of the Autobots base thanks to Sonars ability to sense the other two members of the Star Saber trio. He sent out Cyclonus out to pinpoint it, and after searching for a whole day, Cyclonus finally uncovered it. With the bases defenses turned off, the Decepticons thought it would be a cakewalk to get the Mini Cons.